Bortscheag Estate, Bessarabia

The chapter for this village is Bessarabia & Dobrudscha Chapter (BESS)

Village Coordinator: Elvire Necker-Eberhardt


  • Region: Cahul
  • Area: Bessarabia
  • District:
  • Rayon:
  • Founded: prior to 1864
  • Religion: Seperatists, Evangelical Lutheran
  • Location: 6km northeast of the German settlement of Albota
  • Longitute and Latitude:
  • Parish:
  • German Name: Bortschak or Portschak
  • Russian Name:
  • Ukrainian Name: Borceag

Notes: Bortscheag was a large French estate in the Russia territory and from the 1860's hired German workers. The village of Bortscheag was built around a former manor house and existed with church and school for the inhabitants and was about 6 km NE of the German villages of Albota.

For Members OnlySupplimental Information:

For Members OnlyBortscheag Estate: Records of Germans from 1864-1881

For Members OnlyMap of Bessarabia showing location of Bortscheag

For Members OnlyBortscheag births 1864 - 1881

For Members OnlyBortscheag deaths 1873 - 1881

For Members OnlyBortscheag marriages 1867 - 1878

For Members OnlyBortscheag confirmations 1867, 1878

For Members OnlyBortscheag confirmations from Galatz records (1862-1877)

For Members OnlyBortscheag Births from Galatz Records

For Members OnlyBortscheag Marriages from Galatz Records (1863/ 1864/ 1866/ 1872)

For Members OnlyBortscheag Family Names 1864 – 1881