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The GRHS Endowment Fund

THE GRHS ENDOWMENT FUND was created to help ensure the long-term financial stability of the Germans from Russia Heritage Society.

MEMBERSHIP DUES keep our Society operating from day to day (including the Heritage Review, staff salaries, and building expenses). The GRHS Board of Directors serves at your pleasure, without remuneration. GRHS is fortunate to have a very faithful staff.

THE ENDOWMENT FUND was established at the 1987 GRHS Convention. The Charitable Gifting & Endowment Fund Committee is responsible for soliciting and collecting donations to the fund. Only earned income from investments is remitted to the Society.

It is the intention to establish a permanent fund and not allow any expenditure of the principal. However, the principal may be used if a majority of members at an annual meeting or any special membership meeting called for that purpose vote to do so.

THE PURPOSE OF THE ENDOWMENT FUND is to raise funds to ensure the long-term stability of the Society and to fund projects that are an important part of preserving the German-Russian ethnic heritage. Your gift can provide needed funds ...
For research
For publications
For expanding library resources
Yes - if we all work together.
Yes - if we remember the Endowment Fund with our gifts.
Yes - if we want to thank our ancestors for the freedom we enjoy.
GIFTS of any amount are appreciated. Donations possible include:
Cash Gifts
Memorials in memory of a loved one
Contributions in honor of someone's birthday, or anniversary, etc.
Beneficiary of a portion or all of a life insurance policy
Bequests in your will

Please send your contribution to:
GRHS Endowment Fund
1125 West Turnpike Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58501-8115
Note: GRHS (Endowment Fund) is recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit organization, exempt from federal income tax under 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please contact your tax advisor.

For more information contact:

1125 West Turnpike Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58501-8115

HFGR Heritage Foundation for Germans from Russia

The mission of the Heritage Foundation of Germans from Russia is to encourage current and/or sustaining and deferred gifts to the Foundation that benefit and support the goals, objectives and purposes of the GRHS, to provide and preserve the heritage of the emigrants of the ethnic Germans from Russia to the United States, Canada and other countries of the world for past, present and future generations; to provide GRHS members and others with the resources regarding estate planning and charitable gift arrangements and to serve as a channel for GRHS members and others to further the aims, objectives and work of the GERMANS FROM RUSSIA HERITAGE SOCIETY.