Berlin/Neu Berlin, Odessa
- Region: Black Sea
- Area: Odessa
- District: Beresan/Grossliebental/Hoffnungstal
- Rayon: Cebrikowo
- Founded: 1867
- Religion: Evangelical
- Location: Stumpp C-5, 30/47
- Longitute and Latitude:
- Plat Map:
- Parish: Neu Freudental; Hoffnungstal
- German Name: Berlin/Neu Berlin
- Russian Name: Worobeyeva/Worobyewa
- Ukrainian Name:
- Daughter colony in the Grossliebental District Odessa as listed in Homesteaders on the Steppe.
- Georg Rath's book, The Black Sea Germans in the Dakotas, reflects that Berlin was part of the Hoffnungstal Parish.
- Stumpp does not list Berlin but he does list Neu Berlin as Evangelical village founded in 1867.
- For additional information read the Hoffnungstal Odessa Newsletters listed below.
- Homesteaders on the Steppe by Joseph S. Height (page 320)
- The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 – 1862 by Karl Stumpp
- The Black Sea Germans in the Dakotas by Georg Rath (page 5)
Church Records
- Check the Hoffnungstal Odessa Parish Newsletters Vol 2 Issue III, Vol 3 Issue I
Supplemental Information:
War Records