
Village Coordinators:

Don Krassman

Regional Interest Group:

Kherson, Ekaterinoslav, Taurida (KET)

Mühlhausendorf, Odessa


  • Region: Black Sea
  • Area: Kherson
  • District: Schwedengebiet
  • Rayon:
  • Founded: 1804/1806
  • Religion: Evangelical
  • Location: G-4 (map #26)
  • Longitute and Latitude:
  • Parish:
  • German Name: Mühlhausendorf
  • Russian Name:
  • Ukrainian Name:


Giesinger/page 107; “The Schwedengebiet was a tract of land of about 11,000 dessiatine lying along the Dnieper, beginning about 9 versts east of Berislav.  Originally the whole area was given as a land grant to some 200 families of Swedes freed from serfdom on the island of Dago.  In August 1780 these left their old home to travel southward to their promised land, wintering on the way in a Russian village near Poltava.  This journey was a diastrous one: during the course of it two-thirds of the people died or deserted.  In 1781 the remnant of 70 families arrived in Berislav.  More than half of these died during the first two years, leaving only 30 families, 135 people , in the new Swedish village.  In 1794 Potemkin settled 30 Swedish prisoners-of-war among them.

From page 91 of the Stumpp book; Note for Alt Schwedendorf - "Departed 20 August 1780 and arrived 1 May 1781 (1,200 souls). They spent the winter of 1780/81 in Rostshitilovka near Poltava. In 1795, at Potemkin’s order 30 more prisoner of war came from Theodosia; then 2 families from Italy.  318 persons died of dysentery the first year, 116 persons in the following year. Only 30 families remained.  Later, other colonists were settled here from Taruida and the districts of Josephstal and Mariupol. In 1855/56 many people died from typhus brought in by the military. The Swedes came from the island of Dagö.


  • From Catherine to Khruschevby Dr. Adam Giesinger (page 108)
  • The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 – 1862 by Karl Stumpp (page 814)

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