Neu-Jamburg, Jekaterinoslaw
- Region: Black Sea
- Area: Jekaterinoslaw Government
- District: Kreis Alexandrowsk
- Rayon: Mariupol
- Founded: 1847
- Religion: Catholic
- Location:
- Longitute and Latitude:
- Plat Map:
- Parish:
- German Name: Neu-Jamburg
- Russian Name:
- Ukrainian Name:
In 1847, thirty-seven families (241 persons) from the three small Catholic villages near Jamburg (Kingisepp) on the Luga River about sixty-five miles southwest of St. Petersburg (Leningrad), formed the village of Neu-Jamburg. The Catholic villages near St. Petersburg had been formed in about 1767. No village report was ever made for Neu-Jamburg nor is it listed in the Stumpp book.
Church Records
- None known at this time
- Villages In Which Our Forefathers Lived: Early Daughter Colonies Near Mariupol, by Adam Giesinger, AHSGR Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Spring 1979)
- The Planer Colonies, by A. Prinz (translation by J.L. Ritchie), Heritage Review, Vol 23: 1, 1993.