Neu Glückstal, Odessa
- Region: Black Sea
- Area: Odessa
- District:
- Rayon: Hoffnungstal
- Founded: 1860
- Religion: Evangelical
- Location: Stumpp C-5, 30/47
- Longitute and Latitude:
- Plat Map:
- Parish: Neu Freudental; Hoffnungstal
- German Name: Neu Glückstal
- Russian Name: Zibulyevka/Zibuljewka
- Ukrainian Name:
- Listed on page 112 of the Giesinger book as a daughter colony of the Glückstal colonies. However it was only four miles south of Hoffnungstal, and as such the relationships between the inhabitants between the two villages existed.
- There was a second Neuglückstal/Neu Glückstal founded in 1889 at map location A 4, much closer to the original Glückstal than this one. Again, on page 112 of the Giesinger book, it is reflected that this second village was also a daughter colony of the Glückstal Colonies.
- If one looks on page 89 of the Stumpp book, you can note that he reflects the village of Hoffnungstal as a Glückstal colony also.
- Also known as Cybulewka, Zybuljewka/Rayon Cebrikowo
- Had population of 560 in 1909 in accordance with article contained in Hoffnungstal Odessa Parish newsletter issue 2-3.
- 1909 - had church built of stone, with seating of 300
- From Catherine to Khruschev by Dr. Adam Giesinger (page 112)
- Hoffnungstal Odessa Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 2: October 1994
- Village Inhabitants in 1934 by described by Friedrich Bamesberger