Gnadau, North Caucasus
- Region: North Caucus
- Area:
- District: Medwedowskaja
- Rayon: Medwedowskaja
- Founded: 1871
- Religion: Evangelical
- Location: 38/45 Stumpp map
- Longitute and Latitude:
- Plat Map:
- Parish: Jekaterinodar
- German Name: Gnadau
- Russian Name:
- Ukrainian Name:
Also known as
- Dolinowka – Dolinowskoje
- Okrug - Kuban
- Post - Nowowelitschkowskaja – Jekaterinodar
- Wolost - Nowowelitschkowskaja
- Kuban Gebiet
- From Catherine to Khruschev by Dr. Adam Giesinger (page 135)