Alt Danzig - Kirovograd
- Region: Black Sea
- Area: Kherson
- District:
- Rayon:
- Founded: 1787
- Religion: Evangelical
- Location: 32/48 Stumpp Map
- Longitute and Latitude:
- Parish:
- German Name: Alt Danzig
- Russian Name: Anienskaja/Annenskaja
- Ukrainian Name:
from Giesinger book/page 94; "Among the earliest of the German Black Sea colonies, more or less isolated from the rest, were the following:
1. Alt Danzig, the earliest of all, 15 versts southwest of Elisabethgrad (Kirovograd), founded 1787;" from the Stummp book/page 952; "50 Fam. kamen aus der Gegend von Danzig-West-Presßen. Ein Teil gestorven a=und abewandert in die Schwedenkolonien. — Es bliev ein Rest von 19 Fam. Dazu kamen 1803 10 Fam. aus dem Kr. Bittau/Pom."
From Catherine to Khruschev by Dr. Adam Giesinger (page 94)
The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 – 1862 by Karl Stumpp (page 952)
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