München, Odessa
- Region: Black Sea
- Area: Odessa
- District: Beresan
- Rayon: Landau
- Founded: 1809
- Religion: Catholic
- Location:
- Longitute and Latitude:
- Plat Map:
- Parish: Rastatt
- German Name: München
- Russian Name:
- Ukrainian Name:
Volume | Issue | Page | Title |
From Catherine to Khruschev by Dr. Adam Giesinger (page 114 - 116)
Paradise On The Steppe by Joseph S. Height (pages 77, 85, 320)
Census R:ecords:
Church Records:
St. Petersburg Archives from Rohrbach
HR | Issue | Year | Page | Title |
Stammbaum | 5 | 1976 | 4 | Munchen - Emigrants to US -(Russian History) |
HR | 21-4 | 1991 | 45 | Muenchen - Beresan District Emigrants - (Emigrants) |
Pioneer Settlers Names:
Supplemental Information:
Beresan District Supplement Report dated October 1811
Listings of people born, died or moved.
Villages mentioned: Karlsruhe, Landau, München, Rastadt, Rohrbach, Speier, Sulz, Worms
Beresan District Supplement Report dated 31 January 1812
Listings of people born, died or moved.
PDF formated files of Gains and Losses
Villages mentioned: Karlsruhe, Landau, München, Rastadt, Rohrbach, Speier, Sulz, Worms
252-1-9 (.pdf format)
About marriages and transfers of households in the Beresan District 1816-1817
Villages mentioned: Karlsruhe, Landau, München, Odessa, Rastadt, Rohrbach, Speier, Worms
252-1-29a (.pdf format)
Fond 252 Inventory 1 Odessa Regional State Archives
Marriages of Colonists and transfers of their farms.
28 December 1816-13 December 1817
Colonies mentioned: Grossliebenthal, Josephstal, Karlsruhe, Landau, Liebental, Mariental, München, Munich, Odessa, Rastadt, Rohrbach, Speier, Worms
3836-1-10 (pdf)
Odessa Regional State Archives File R3836-1-10
Dates: 23 June 1919 - 23 August 1919
Births and Deaths
Villages Mentioned: Blumenfeld, Christina, Elisabetgrad, Hoffnungstal, Johannestal, Karlsruhe, Katharinental, Kertsch, Landau, München, Nikolaev, Schonfeld, Speier, Sulz, Volkowo, Waterloo
1920 München Land Allotments
München Land Formatter 10 October 1922
66_2_All 43 pages (without corrections)
St.Petersburg Annual Reports of 1899-1917
München Family Database Project