Christina, Odessa
- Region: Black Sea
- Area: Odessa
- District: Nikolajew
- Rayon:
- Founded: 1891
- Religion: Catholic
- Location:
- Longitute and Latitude:
- Plat Map: F-3 on Stumpp map
- Parish: Nowo Odessa
- German Name: Christina
- Russian Name: Christianowka, Nowosofronowka
- Ukrainian Name:
Volume | Issue | Page | Title |
From Catherine to Khruschev by Dr. Adam Giesinger (page 114)
Church Records:
Heritage Review:
HR | Issue | Year | Page | Title |
19-4 | 1989 | 29 | Christina Ukraine - History |
Pioneer Settlers Names:
Supplimental Information:
Odessa Regional State Archives File R 3836-1-10
Dates: 23 June 1919 - 23 August 1919
Births and Deaths
Villages Mentioned: Blumenfeld, Christina, Elisabetgrad, Hoffnungstal, Johannestal, Karlsruhe, Katharinental, Kertsch, Landau, München, Nikolaev, Schonfeld, Speier, Sulz, Volkowo, Waterloo