Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 47, No. 4 December 2017 - President's Letter by Curtis R. Mertz. Contributions Toward a History of the German-Russian Settlements in North Dakota, trans. by LaVern J. Rippley. 2017-18 GRHS Officers. Letter from the Editor by Eric J. Schmaltz. No Room in the Inn by Louise Wiens. Charting German Settlements in the East via Google Maps by Brigitte Bornemann. 100th Anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution: Beginning of the End for the German Russians by Ken Vogele. Christmas 1945 in the Face of Soviet Suppression by Charlotte Liesche, trans. by Alex Herzog, with editorial assistance from Nancy Herzog. X-mas ‘82, from Poems by Paul Reeb. Growing Up German (Without Realizing It!) by Mervin Weiss. Am Grischtowed Isch's Gwesst (T'was the Night Before Christmas). Closer to Heaven in Russia (Part 1) by Siegfried Springer, trans. by William Yoder. History of the Diocese of Tyraspol (Part 4) by Joseph Aloysius Kessler, trans. by Horst W. Gutsche. Book Review by Richard Benert Portrait of a Homesteader: An Ancestral Journey Through Poland, Volhynia, and Canada by Victor Gess. History in Old Photographs. Folklore Forum by Bro. Placid Gross. GRHS Websites / E-mail Addresses.
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