Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 45, No. 4 December 2015 - President's Letter by Valerie Renner Ingram Stewart. Danksagungstag (Thanksgiving) from Let's Talk German-Russian with Ernschtina un Hanswurscht by Professor Arnold H. Marzolf. Editor's Correction. Letter from the Editor by Eric J. Schmaltz. Heritage Review in Review compiled by Eric J. Schmaltz. Newspaper Articles / Letters Krasna, Emmental, Bessarabia et al Eureka Rundschau / Das Nordlicht / Dakota Rundschau, Eureka, SD, 1917-1932, compiled by Ted Becker. History of the Community of Tarutino from 1814 to 1934 (Part 12 - Final) by Wilhelm Mutschall, trans. by Horst W. Gutsche. A History of a German Family: Path from the Volga to the Urals by Chehronai Fozil, 2015 Youth Essay Contest winner Undergraduate College Category. John Eckert – A Ukrainian Mennonite: Reflections about My Life by John Eckert, submitted by Jim Weninger and Ted Becker. Der Santa from Let's Talk German-Russian with Ernschtina un Hanswurscht by Professor Arnold H. Marzolf. No Hell! (Noel) from Let's Talk German-Russian with Ernschtina un Hanswurscht by Professor Arnold H. Marzolf. The Glückstal Colonies Research Association "DVD 2015": Review, Analysis, and Application by Lynn M. Fauth. Historical Timeline of the Descendants of Germans in / from the Former Soviet Union (2000-2015), compiled by Eric J. Schmaltz. Production Editor Wanted. Folklore Forum by Bro. Placid Gross. GRHS Websites / E-mail Addresses.
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