Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 43, No. 1 March 2013 - President's Letter by Valerie Renner Ingram.
Der Oster Haas, from Let's Talk German-Russian with Ernschtina un Hanswurscht by Arnold H.
Marzolf. Letter from the Editor by Eric J. Schmaltz. History of the Community of Tarutino
1814 to 1934 (Part 2) by Wilhelm Mutschall, trans. by Horst W. Gutsche. German-Russian Foods
and Russian Words, from Let's Talk German-Russian with Ernschtina un Hanswurscht by Arnold H.
Marzolf. Soviet Documents in German-Russian History Series, trans. by J. Otto Pohl. The
Establishment of Community Church Schools in the South Russia German Colonies, 1804-1914 by
Netta Steinberg. Bishop Antonius Zerr (1840-1932): New Grave Marker Placed in Selz Cemetery
in 2012 by Merv Weiss. Book Review of Janice Huber Stangl's Collectivization in the Soviet
Union: German Letters to America, 1927-1932 by Patsy Ramberg. A Story of Love vs. Hate by
Merv Weiss. The Cryptogram "Stalin" in Three Poems of 1926 by Volga German Author and Stalin
Victim Peter Sinner (Petr Ivanovic Zinner) by Samuel D. Sinner. Children of Death: Ukraine,
1932-1934, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer, submitted with commentary by Robert Leo Heilman.
Tips for Researching Your Family's History: Family and Ancestral Research, First and Family
Names by Karl Stumpp. Federal Court Declarations of Intent, submitted by Mike Rempfer. Folklore
Forum compiled by Bro. Placid Gross. In Memory of Michael Rempfer, Long-time Contributing GRHS
Member, compiled and edited by Eric J. Schmaltz.