Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 41, No. 2 June 2011 - Letter from the Editor by Eric J. Schmaltz. President's Letter by Don Ehreth. "Celebrating Our Heritage" – Our Society's 40th Anniversary by Valerie Ingram. German Settlements by Alan Anderson. Volga German Pipe Smoking: Folklore and Traditions by Samuel D. Sinner. Non-Germans in Lichtental by Ludwig Layher, trans. by Armand Bauer. The German Settlements near Ostheim-Tälmanovo, Stalino District (In the Don River Basin) by Kreis Stalino, trans. by Armand Bauer. 2011 GRHS Membership Campaign by Milton Kramer. Biographies from Newspapers, trans. by Mike Rempfer. In Remembrance. Sam and Mabel Verbitsky: Faith Cells in a Ukrainian Village by Edna Boardman. Travel Reflections: Poems by James R. Milliron. Corrections from March 2011 issue of Heritage Review. Abstract from the Article "From One Generation to the Next: Teachers and Teaching in the German Colonies in South Russia, 1804-1914" by Netta Steinberg. Wall Picture Calendar (Wandbildkalender) of the Historischer Forschungsverein der Deutschen aus Russland (September 2010): Ethnic Germans under the Nazi Occupation of Ukraine (1941-1944) and Beyond by Michael Wanner, trans. by Merv Weiss. Nominations for the Board by Al Feist. Soviet Documents in German-Russian History Series, trans. by Eric J. Schmaltz. About the Departure of the Dobrudzha Germans (The Ethnic Germans of Kabodin Leave Their Village: Excerpt of Otto Klett from the Heimatbuch 1956), trans. by Alex Herzog. Letter From Abroad. North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota Anthropology Professor Emeritus Donates Large Folklore Collection. GRHS Heritage Cookbook. Folklore Forum by Brother Placid Gross. Crimea RIG Chapter Report by Wanda Hopkins. Clearing House/Archive Acquisitions by Valerie Ingram. GRHS Youth Committee News by Vera Hoff. GRHS Websites/E-mail Addresses. Why Attend the 2011 GRHS Convention in Spokane, WA! by Al Feist.
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