Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 39, No. 4 December 2009 - Features: History of the Parish of Klöstitz by Justus Nicolaus Ripke, trans. by Mike Rempfer. Gefallen, 1943 by Pat Ramberg. Participation of German-Russians in the Anti-Fascist Movement in Occupied Territories of the Soviet Union (1941-1944) by Viktor Klotz, trans. by Alex Herzog. Pioneer School Experience: The Teachers, the Parents, and the Children (Part 2) by Edna Boardman. The Gift of an Inheritance from Silesia Family Frömmerich (Deckert) by Thomas A. Stangl with Russian translations by Serge Yelizarov and Donn Koenig. Folklore: Folklore Forum by Bro. Placid Gross. Genealogy Tips: Success Using Facebook for Genealogy Purposes by Gayla Aspenleiter. News and Updates: What's New. Committee Reports. In Remembrance.
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