Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 38, No. 4 December 2008 - Marriage and Weddings: Past and Present by Gayla Ohlhauser Aspenleiter, edited by Carolyn Schott. Der Krauthobel by Emanuel Schlechter (Solo), trans. by Oliver Mogck, trans. edited by Viktor Schlechter. Once in a Lifetime, the 200th Anniversary of Selz by Merv Weiss. A One-room School Christmas Program by Edna Boardman. Early Migration Routes to New Russia by Thomas A. Stangl. Folklore Forum by Bro. Placid Gross. Genealogy Research: The Basics by Carolyn Schott. Living Our Grandparents' Dreams by Vera Hoff. What's New at GRHS? In Remembrance.
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