Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 35, No. 3 September 2005 - The History of the Catholic Parishes in the Bismarck Diocese of North Dakota Part II by P. Andreas Kolbeck, trans. by Ambrose Leinz. Carl Wishek Follows Relief Efforts to Russia: Letters t o His Parents 1922-1923, commentary and extraction by Homer Rudolf. Manners and Cu stoms by Nina Farley Wishek. Horse and Cattle Breeding in the German Communities in Bessarabia by Dr. Arthur Reimann, trans. by Michael Rempfer. Revolt of the Colts (A Tale from the Time of the 1940 Bessarabian Resettlement) by Gerhard Uhde, trans. by James Gessele. Biography of John H. Wishek, Sr. by Nina Farley Wishek. Prince of Princes: The Life of Potemkin, A Summary Review by Edna Boardman. Annotated Passenger List, S. S. Circassia - Part I by Thomas A. Stangl.
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