Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 35, No. 2 June 2005 - Siebenbürgen Connection by
James Gessele. The History of the Catholic Parishes in the Bismarck Diocese
of North Dakota by P. Andreas Kolbeck, trans. by Ambrose Leinz.
Some Research Tools for Germans from Russia: Discovering Records of Your
Ancestors by Thomas A. Stangl. Conditions in the German Schools of kandel,
Mannheim and Straßburg in the Odessa Region 1932-1935 by Arthur Reiche,
trans. by James Gessele. Mass Murder in the Russian Forests: A Sworn Statement,
trans. by Ronald J. & Joshua Vossler. "Who Saves Now Will Have in Time of Need":
A Parting of Ways by James Gessele. Georg Leopold Koenig - the Sugar
King - 1821-1903 by Alexander Prinz, trans. by "Titus." Episodes in
the Life of Peter Burgartsmeier, trans. by Michael Rempfer.