Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 33, No. 2 June 2003 - Germans from Prussian Poland or
Germans from Russia? by R. Reuben Drefs. Passenger List, submitted by Susie
(Haman) Wanner. Places of Origin of Sixteen Crimean Families by Robert A.
Schamber. Lincoln Valley Baptist Church Rural Denhoff, Sheridan County, North
Dakota, USA, submitted by Agnes Faul and Wayne Gehring. Rosenfeld Baptist
Cemetery Rural Drake, Sheridan County, North Dakota, USA, submitted by Herbert
Blumhagen. The Resettlement of the Crimean Germans in 1941 According to Reports
by Theodor Eisenbraun (Deceased), revised by Gertrud Braun, trans. by Annette
Cook. Interpretations. Preparing the Land for Settlement by Larry T. Spiry.
Love Those Juneberries! by Edna Boardman. The Centennial Celebration of the
German Colonies in Beresan, trans. by Herbert Boswau.