Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 30, No. 3 September 2000 - History In Old
Letters Orphans In Teplitz, trans. by Michael Rempfer. Family Register,
Jehovah Lutheran Church, Hosmer, South Dakota, submitted by Vernon Walth, trans.
by Michael Rempfer. Obituaries from the Dakota Freie Presse, 1903-1947 (14),
trans. by Dr. Horst Fode. Founding and Development of the Village Friedensburg,
District Halbstadt, Saporoshje Region by A. Jabs, trans. by Armand Bauer.
Passenger Lists, submitted by Malvin W. Miller, Dorothy Brown, Don Weidenbach.
135 Years for Lichtental, Friedenstal, and Dennewitz by Georg Leibbrandt, trans.
by Armand Bauer. Query. In My Mother's "Baschtan" by Ronald J. Vossler. From
North Dakota, trans. by Michael Rempfer. Praised, Disdained, Defended: Three
Views of the German-Russian Immigrants Published in 1905, extracted and trans.
by Michael Rempfer. Emma Isaak Guenthner Esch, 1904-1974: One Tough Mom by Edna
Boardman. Teacher In The School, submitted and trans. by Bro. Placid Gross.
Friedensfeld, 1879-1940: Memories of a Schwäbian Village on the Steppe in South
Bessarabia (1) by Paul Jundt, trans. by Victor Knell.