Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 29, No. 4 December 1999 - History in Old Letters, trans. by John H. Werner. Verses My Mother Taught Me by Clarence Bauman. History of the German Village Kobadin in the Dobrudscha by Otto Leyer, trans. by Armand Bauer. Grammar School Master Jakob Prinz by M. Stumpp, trans. by Armand Bauer. Convention 1999. The Present Day Localities and Occupational Structure of the Germans in the Soviet Union by Dr. Karl Stumpp, trans. by Armand Bauer. Grain Bundle-Tying Technique by Brother Placid Gross. Emigrants From Krasna, Bessarabia, compiled by Ted J. Becker and Rosemary Ternes Mack, Krasna Village Research Co-Coordinators, Data were extracted from Krasna master Census, 1814-1940 (2) by Ted J. Becker and Rosemary Ternes Mack. Roots and Growth: A Roundup of Books About the Germans from Russia by Edna M. Boardman. The Trajanswälle and Kurgane in Bessarabia by Professor Hans Wagner, trans. by Armand Bauer. Passenger List, submitted by Ralph Hoff. Thoughts and Remembrances - Gnadenfeld 100 Years Old! by Lenchen Nutter-Ziegler, trans. by Armand Bauer. Schwartz Deutsche Im Westlichen Nord Dakota (Black Sea Germans in Western North Dakota) by George Rath, trans. by Clarence Bauman.
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