Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 28, No. 4 December 1998 - Dedicated to our dedicated office managers. Interview with a Steppe Child by Timothy J. Kloberdanz. Certificates of Appreciation - 1998 compiled by Rachel Schmidt. Nicolaj Sawatzky: A Young German-Russian Works to Help Rebuild Russia's Religious Life by Edna Boardman. Germanism in Siberia and Middle Asia by A. M----r, trans. by Armand Bauer. Book review. Convention 1998. Traditions Keep my Family History Alive by Matthew A. Kloberdanz - 1998 Pride In Your Heritage winner. Relocation Records of the Village Kassel 1839-1854, trans. by Lloyd Ketterling and Adam Ketterling, submitted by Margaret Freeman. The Struggle for German Nationalism (Exclusivity) by Johann Kräenbring, trans. by Armand Bauer. St. Peters Lutheran Church Records - Krem, North Dakota Baptisms, submitted by Cindy Highley and Sherri Guenthner, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer.
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