Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 28, No. 3 September 1998 - Query. Passenger Lists, submitted by Don Weidenbach and Virginia Baumgartner Carr. The Kleinliebental Church Closure by Elisabeth Bechler nee Heier, trans. by Armand Bauer. Hutchinson County's Holstein War by Kim Wilcox, submitted by Edwin Ziegler. Contributions to the History of the Emigrations From Baden by Senior Teacher Benedict Schwarz, submitted by Doris Dickenson, trans. by Armand Bauer. Rules Governing Emigration (Ostwanderung), submitted by Ralph Ruff, trans. by Elle Wise. Memories of My Life, Autobiography of Ludwig Bippus, submitted by Mel Maier, trans. by Armand Bauer. History in Old Letters, trans. by Adeline Woolert, trans. and submitted by Arthur Flegel. St. Peters Lutheran Church Records - Krem, North Dakota Baptisms, submitted by Cindy Highley and Sherri Guenthner, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer.
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