Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 28, No. 1 March 1998 - Dedicated to Al and Dorothy Feist. A Tribute to Professor Arnold Marzolf. Annual Listing of Commerce, Industry, Manufacturing, and Agriculture in Romania, 1928, trans. by Ted Becker. Lest We Forget: a Century-Old Tragedy and a Test of a People's Faith by Timothy J. Kloberdanz. "When Human Eyes Run Dry of Tears..."; Entries from the Diary of a Pioneer Mother, a poem by Timothy J. Kloberdanz. Escape: Siberia to California, the 65-Year Providential Journey of Our Family, by John Block, introduction and postscript by Edna Boardman. Tracking Our Missing Family History; the Malsams in Russia by Doris Dickinson. Letter from Kleinliebenthal, submitted by Doris Dickinson, trans. by Armand Bauer. Pastor Johannes Alber by Anna Schrenk, trans. by Armand Bauer. Our Healing Practices by Karl Roth, trans. by Armand Bauer. Hoppe, Hoppe Reiter, submitted and trans. by Bro. Placid Gross. St. Peters Lutheran Church Records - Krem, North Dakota Death Register, submitted by Cindy Highley and Sherri Guenthner, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. St. Peters Lutheran Church Records - Krem, North Dakota Marriage Register, submitted by Cindy Highley and Sherri Guenthner, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Obituaries From the Dakota Freie Presse, 1903-1947 (12), trans. by Dr. Horst Fode.
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