Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 27, No. 4 December 1997 - Thank you by Betty Brosz, 1997
Convention Chairperson. Christmas Traditions by Joanne Hummel. Certificates of
Appreciation - 1997 compiled by Rachel Schmidt. Resettlement of the Evangelical
Colonists From Krasna to Katzbach, 1825, submitted by Ted J. Becker with input
from Dale Lee Wahl, Ralph Ruff, Duane Janke and Marty McMahon, trans. from the
Russian by Sergey Karamanov. "Hunhuskers," "Red Cross Roosters," and "Uncle Sam
Whiskers": The McIntosh County German-Russians in World War I by Gordon L.
Iseminger. Russian Farmboys and the North Dakota Marines by Stuart Longtin.
The End of World War II - A German-American Experience by E. M. Seewald.
Barbara Anhalt Martin: Ten Years as a Miner of Gold by Edna Boardman.
Convention 1997. The Russian-Germans in the United State of North America,
Preparations for Immigration (2) by Professor Georg Rath, trans. by Armand
Bauer. My German-Russian Heritage by Sebastian Wald; German-Russians On the
Move by Kristie Ludwig; Why Do I Live in South Dakota, Anyway? By Audrey R.
Weidenbach - 1997 Pride In Your Heritage winners. St. Peters Lutheran Church
Records - Krem, North Dakota Family Register, submitted by Cindy Highley and
Sherri Guenthner, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. The Settlement of the
Mennonites in the Dnjeper District, trans. by Armand Bauer.