Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 27, No. 3 September 1997 - Pioneer Days German Service: A
28-year Tradition by Bob Lind, The Forum. Threshing Tales by Janice
Huber-Stangl. Joe, Beatrice, and Jerry Schneider: A Christmas with Their Family
in Argentina by Edna Boardman. The Storm of 1888 by Charles Weisser. The
Russian-Germans in the United States of North America, Preparations for
Immigration (1) by Professor Georg Rath, trans. by Armand Bauer. Settlers of
Klein Freudenthal (Neu-Freudenthal) Kherson Government, submitted by Dale Lee
Wahl. New Policy for Germans Returning from Russia to Germany by LaVern J.
Rippley. Doctor of Medicine Friedrich Lütze, the First German Physician in
Bessarabia by Ella Winkler-Lütze, trans. by Armand Bauer. Doctor of Medicine
Lütze and the Robber Captain Toppelstock (A True Account From Earlier History of
the German-Bessarabians) by Ella Winkler, trans. by Armand Bauer. Passenger
Lists, submitted by Dale Lee Wahl and Harold Wornath. Obituaries From the
Dakota Freie Presse, 1903-1947 (11), trans. by Dr. Horst Fode. Recollections of
Settlement Years (Interview of Philip Seibold) by Lydia Anderson, trans. and
submitted by Lester G. Seibold. History in Old Letters, trans. by LaRose