Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 23, No. 4 December 1993 - Dedicated to Clarence Bauman.
Making Everything English in Church by Edna Boardman. Catholic Churches Change
from German to English by Edna Boardman. History in Old Letters, trans. by
Armand and Elaine Bauer. Person to Person in the Ukraine - May 1993 by Doris
Dickenson. Volhynian Heritage by Ewald Wuschke. Our Fellow Countrymen Under
Soviet Rule and in Soviet Exile, trans. by J. M. Richey. The German Settlements
of the Kronau-Orloff Districts by Dr. Karl Stumpp, trans. by J. M. Richey. Type
and Nature of German Publications in North Dakota by Fred William Gross.
Marriage Records at Peace Lutheran Church, Menno, South Dakota; Confirmation
Records at Peace Lutheran Church, Menno, South Dakota, submitted by Frieda Roth
Nusz, trans. by Elaine and Armand Bauer. The Gunsch Family in America by Tonia
Schlecht; The Rivinius Family Heritage by Melissa Grafsgaard; My
Great-Grandfather Gottfried Wegner by Elizabeth Theresa Wanzek - 1993 Pride in
Your Heritage winners. 1993 Literary Award winner. Convention 1993. Poems.