Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 22, No. 2 June 1992 - (Der Stammbaum) - Dedicated to
Karen Meidinger Retzlaff. Diamond Wedding Anniversary Congratulations by Edwin
Ziegler. Germans to Russia via Hungary, submitted by J. Albert Oster.
Microfilms for Bessarabia, extracted by Margaret Johnson. Customs and
Practices of Family Rituals Among the Volhynia Germans by A. Kirschner, trans.
by Armand and Elaine Bauer. The Deaf-Mute Facility in Worms by Karl Stumpp,
trans. by J. M. Richey. Wladimir I and His People Become Christians, trans. by
Armand Bauer. 1991 Surname & Address List. Index to GRHS 1991 Publications by
Frieda Roth Nusz. Query.