Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 19, No. 4 December 1989 - The Liniment Cake by Clarence Bauman. The Mennonites Come to Kansas by Kendall Bailes. Wheat Centennial Symposium by Hyde S. Jacobs. Let's Talk Turkey by Karl S. Quisenberry. Wolves and Sunflowers (3), by Nelly Daes, trans. by Prof. Arnold Marzolf. Frison Immigration to the USA from Russia, Between 1888 and 1906 by Eugene H. J. Frison. Captured German Documents - Villages in the Ukraine, submitted by A.B. Marthaller. Brief History of the Parishes at Zeeland, Hague, and Hazelton, North Dakota by J. H. Abelmann, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Brief History of the Evangelical Lutheran St. Pauls Congregation at Mound City and Gale, South Dakota by J. H. Abelmann, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Prairie Epitaph by J.D. Bruce. Good Hope United Church Cemetery - Golden Prairie, Saskatchewan; New Kronsfeld Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery - Golden Prairie, Saskatchewan, submitted by Alvina Schurr. Saint Henry's Catholic Cemetery - Salvador, Saskatchewan, submitted by Odelia Ell. Passenger Lists, submitted by L. Theresia Ehrmentraut Tubbs. Query.
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