Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 18, No. 4 December 1988 - Cloudy Skies Gelner Family Saga
by Mary Gellner Weisz. The Germans in the Dobrudscha (10), trans. by Armand
Bauer. About the German Farmwives of the Dobrudscha by Anna Ehlers, trans. by
T. C. Wenzlaff and Armand Bauer. History in Old Letters, trans. Armand and
Elaine Bauer. Life and Customs of the Youth of Sarata, Bessarabia by Rev.
William H. Simpfenderfer. Father's Adventure in the Early Days in America by
William H. Simpfenderfer. Peace Lutheran Church Marriages - Leader,
Saskatchewan; Hilda Salem Evangelical Church Cemetery - Suptre, Saskatchewan,
submitted by Carol Walker Davick. My Family History by Melanie Kitzan; Pride In
My Heritage by Laura Silbernagel - 1988 Pride in Your Heritage winners. Worms A
History and Description of the German Colony in the Ukraine, South Russia 1848,
trans. by Theodore C. Wenzlaff. Ted Weber Family History by Ted Weber. History
in Old Letters, submitted by Malvin W. Miller. Poems.