Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 18, No. 3 September 1988 - Dedicated to Theodore C. Wenzlaff. The Development of Arable Agriculture in the German Settlements in Russia by Alex Prinz, trans. by Armand Bauer. The Economic Significance of Sheep in the Black Sea Area by A. Prinz, trans. by Armand Bauer. The Red German Cow by A. Prinz, trans. by Armand Bauer. History in Old Letters, trans. Armand and Elaine Bauer. Comparison of the Climates of South Russia and Northern Part of the North American Great Plains by Armand Bauer. The Germans in the Dobrudscha (9), trans. Alma Herman and Armand Bauer. Harvesting - A Picture Documentation by Hugo Häfner, trans. Armand Bauer. Saint John's Lutheran Church Marriages - Leader, Saskatchewan; Schmidt Cemetery - Burstall, Saskatchewan; Peace Lutheran Cemetery - Leader, Saskatchewan, submitted by Carol Walker Davick. 1988 Literary Award Winner. Convention 1988.
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