Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 18, No. 2 May 1988 - The Inheritance by Carol Halverson
Just. Contributors to the Judge Ray Friederich Memorial Fund. From German to
American: The Image of Germany and Germans in North Dakota's German-Language
Press, 1900-1930 by Jonathan F. Wagner. My Heritage by Peggy Follette; Martin
Nussbaum Reminisces by Elizabeth Nussbaum; My Grand Grandmother by John Gerrit
Laskowski - Dakota Heritage Essay winners. The Germans in the Dobrudscha (8),
trans. by Wm. H. Simpfenderfer. Rohrbach A History and Description of the German
Colony in the Ukraine, South Russia 1848, trans. by Theordore C. Wenzlaff.
Güldendorf (Kutusowo) by Curt Renz. Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery - Goodrich,
North Dakota; Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery - Denhoff, North Dakota, submitted
by Lorraine Engel Werner. Passenger Lists, submitted by Alice Essig and Michael
Rempfer. Query.