Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 17, No. 4 December 1987 - An Altar in the Heart by Prof.
Arnold H. Marzolf. The Civil Law of the Colonists in the Russian Empire by
Lester Jacobson. The Life and Work of the Bessarabien German Women in the Old
Homeland by Elfriede Qualen-Idler, trans. by Victor Knell. Final Days of Big
War Costly to Logan County by G. W. Patterson. St. Patrick's in 'Hat is 100 by
Rev. Brian F. Hubka, submitted by John Antoni. Calgary Diocese in 1912-1913 by
Rt. Rev. N. R. Anderson, submitted by John Antoni. The Organizational History
of the USSR by Kermit K. Schauer. The Germans in the Dobrudscha (7), trans. by
Fr. Thomas Welk and Karen Retzlaff. Saint John's Lutheran Cemetery - Leader,
Saskatchewan; Saint Paul's Lutheran Cemetery - Burstall, Saskatchewan, submitted
by Carol Davick. Convention 1987. Passenger Lists, submitted by Herb Poppke,
Duane Ziegler and Ruth V. Rash. Poems. Query.