Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 16, No. 4 December 1986 - A Fountain Filled With Blood by
Edna M. Boardman. The Germans in the Dobrudscha (4), trans. by Armand Bauer.
Family Register, United Church of Christ, Menno, South Dakota (7), compiled by
Elaine Bauer, Frieda Nusz and Mary Hertz, trans. by Elaine and Armand Bauer.
Chronicle of the Community Katzbach by Prof. Arnold Winger, trans. by Karen
Retzlaff. My Grandmother by Doug Brown II. History in Old Letters. My
Father's Story by Clarence Bauman. These are the Travels of the Families of
Hoffmann and Walz, submitted by Guy Hoffman. The Geography of Russia by Dr.
Kermit Schauer. 1986 Literary Award Winner. Convention 1986. Passenger Lists,
submitted by Ned Schall. Query.