Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 15, No. 2 April 1985 - The Beautiful Stream: A
Reminiscence of the Mennonite Brethren Faith by Edna M. Boardman. Germans from
Russia in Alberta by T. Yedlin. Implications of Cross-Cultural Education by D.
Bruce Sealey. Family Register, United Church of Christ, Menno, South Dakota
(2), compiled by Elaine Bauer, Frieda Nusz and Mary Hertz, trans. by Elaine and
Armand Bauer. North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies by Michael M. Miller.
By Now It Hurts So Good by August Kludt. Heimatbuch der Gemeinde Kulm (5),
trans. by Rev. Allen E. Konrad. History in Old Letters. Ethnic-Connectedness:
How Binding is the Tie? by Warren E. Kalbach and Madeline A. Richard. Flight of
the Franz Bullinger Family, 1919 by Franz Bullinger, submitted by Rita
Kronquist. More Convention 1984. Poems.