Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 14, No. 4 November 1984 - The Myth of the Nazi Plot in
Canada During World War Two by Robert H. Keyserlingk. The Migration of Our
German from Russia Ancestors: Germany to Russia to Canada and the USA by Janell
Zeiler - 1984 Pride in Your Heritage winner. Am Hochzeits Tisch, submitted by
August Gienger, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. To Preserve the Past for the
Future by Karen Retzlaff. The International Passport System of Late Imperial
Russia by Ralph Koprince. History in Old Letters, trans. by Armand and Elaine
Bauer. News from the "Germans from Russia Heritage Collection" by Michael M.
Miller. Serious and Light-Hearted Memories from the Ministry of Pastor Taeuber
in and around Hosmer, South Dakota, 1903-1918 by Richard R. Taeuber, trans. by
Marcus Job. Heimatbuch der Gemeinde Kulm (4), trans. by Rev. Allen E. Konrad.
1984 Literary Award Winner. Convention 1984.