Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 14, No. 2 May 1984 - 1984 News from the Institute for Regional Studies by Michael M. Miller. A German from Russia Concept of the Sioux Indian by Walter Essig. Open Letter - The Land They Possessed. Wedding Practices in Kazakhstan, 1977-1983, trans. by Armand Bauer. A Visit to the Landsmannschafts and the Heimatmuseum in Stuttgart, West Germany by Michael M. Miller. Heimatbuch der Gemeinde Kulm (2), trans. by Rev. Allen E. Konrad. The Advanced Training School in Tarutino by D.A. Mauch, trans. by Wm. H. Simpfenderfer. History in Old Letters, trans. by Dr. Erhardt Hehn. An Interesting Story by Early South Dakota Pioneer by Philip Spiry, Sr., submitted by Harold F. Spiry. Poems. Query.
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