Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 13, No. 3 September 1983 - Dedicatory Address by Thomas Wentz. Convention Address by Judge Ray Friederich. A Note from the First Convention, 25 September 1971 by Karen Retzlaff. The Marion Central Relief Committee and the Soviet Famine of 1921-23 by LaVern J. Rippley. A Basket of Water by Walter Floote, trans. by Herman Wildermuth. Columbus Hieb Began Migration to Lodi by Myrtle Mays, submitted by Leonora Shumacher. The German Settlement of Emmental by Waldemar Kosak, trans. by Thomas A. Welk. A Small Chronicle of the Roman Catholic Parish of Larga in Bessarabia (1845-1940) by Waldemar Kosak, trans. by Thomas A. Welk. Chronicle of the Community of Balmas - District of Bender (Thighina) by Peter Mattern, trans. by Thomas A. Welk. Christmas and New Year's Customs in Bessarabia by Georg Habrich, trans. by Thomas A. Welk. Looking for a Wife (Brautschau) by Alfred Thilemann, trans. by Thomas A. Welk. News from the North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies by Michael M. Miller. 1983 Literary Award Winner. Convention 1983. Passenger Lists, submitted by Ned Schall, Connie Lacher and Lola Olson. Query.
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