Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 13, No. 2 May 1983 - Land of My Ancestors by Lester G.
Seibold. Maria Klassen Letter from Tselinograd, trans. by Paul Reeb. Cultural
Pictures of Our Old Homeland of Krasna, Bessarabia by Eduard Ruscheinsky, trans.
by Thomas A. Welk. The Local Government of Krasna, Bessarabia by Eduard
Ruscheinski, trans. by Thomas A. Welk. Origin of Settlers and Settlement of
Villages, trans. by Waltraud Pohlenz and Curt Renz. Birth and Death of a Town
by Erv Albers. And the Wine was Good by Dallas D. Zimmerman. Contributors to
the Building Fund and/or Judge Ray Friedrich Memorial, compiled by Irene
Friedrich. A Story Out of Poland by August Kludt. Poems. Query.