Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 12, No. 3 September 1982 - The Russian Czars and the Loss of Political Status by the German Colonists by Theodore C. Wenzlaff. Heritage Quest by Amandus Ihli. Bridging the Gap to Two Lost Generations by E.D. "Buster" Baer. The Soviet Germans of the USSR by Sidney Heitman. The Relationship Between Ethnic Traditions and Officeholding of the Early German-Russians of McIntosh County, North Dakota, 1889-1915 by William L. Jahraus. Insurance: Transitory Concepts by German-Russians by Paul Reeb. Linguistic Leaves by John W. Bickel. 1982 Literary Award Winner. Convention 1982. Passenger Lists, submitted by Ned G. Schall, P. H. Feser and L. Furin. Query.
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