Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 11, No. 4 December 1981 - New Years Customs by Bro.
Placid A. Gross. Sermon by Msgr. George P. Aberle. History in Old Letters,
trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Refugees - One of Many (1), by Gisela C.
Keller. The German Colonies in the Kutschurgan Region (10), by Johannes
Brendel, trans. by Thomas A. Welk. Alsace - Home of our Forefathers by Thomas
A. Welk. Germans from Russia Heritage Collection by John Bye. In the Russian
Army During the Russo-Japanese War by Jacob Hohenecker, trans. by Herman
Wildermuth. A Bit of Europe in Dakota - The German-Russian Colony at Eureka by
W. S. Harwood. The German Colonies in Volhynia by A. E. Vitovich, trans. by Dr.
William Lewus, submitted by Michael J. Anuta. 1981 Literary Award Winner.
Passenger Lists, submitted by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Poems. Query.