Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 11, No. 1 February 1981 - (Der Stammbaum) - Eureka During World War I by Theodore F. Straub. The German Colonies in the Kutschurgan Region (7), by Johannes Brendel, trans. by Thomas A. Welk. Alexander L. Huber and Emma Huber by Norma Hettich. The Legacy of the Allan "Zerrs" by Edward and Kay Zerr. Starr Cemetery; Huber Cemetery; Plum Creek Baptist Cemetery; Private Cemetery; Evangelical Lutheran St. Petri Cemetery; Hutterthaler Cemetery; Lone Grave on Robert Grosz Farm; Emil G. Mogck Farm Cemetery; Rademacher Cemetery; Abanded Cemetery; Milltown Cemetery; Try Creek Cemetery; Hoffington Cemetery; Friedensfeld Cemetery; Bethania Congregation Cemetery; Association Freeman Cemetery; Zion Lutheran Cemetery; Cathedral Cemetery; Reformed Cemetery; Dakota City Cemetery; Wittenberg Cemetery; Grace Hill Cemetery; Zeeon Cemetery; Hoffnungsberg Cemetery - Hutchinson County, South Dakota, submitted by Phyllis Hertz Feser. St. Anselm's Friedhof Catholic Cemetery - Fulda, North Dakota; Orrin Catholic Cemetery - Pierce County, North Dakota, submitted by Robert J. Gruchalla. Old St. John's Catholic Cemetery - Hague, North Dakota, submitted by Phyllis Hertz Feser. Rastadt Catholic Church Cemetery - Liebenthal, Saskatchewan, submitted by Carol Walker Davick. Mercer County, Grant County, and Hettinger County, North Dakota cemeteries, submitted by Adrian and Phyllis Feser. 1980 Surname & Address List. Index to GRHS 1980 Publications by Walter Essig. Poems. Query.
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