Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 10, No. 1 February 1980 - (Der Stammbaum) - Family Record
of Gregor Sellinger, submitted by Mike Roller, trans. by Armand Bauer.
Grandma's Apron, submitted by Hilda Stelter. Height, A Historical Genealogist
by Paul Reeb. The Russian Germans in America by Pastor J. J. Ballensky, trans.
by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Danzig Baptist Cemetery - Avon, South Dakota,
submitted by Curt Renz. Dennivitz Cemetery; Hoffnungsthal Cemetery; Wolf Creek
Lutheran Cemetery; Poststole Cemetery; Walz Cemetery; Neu Hutterthaler Gemeinde
Cemetery; Sermemthal Cemetery; Bathel Reform Cemetery; Kessel Cemetery; Menno
Cemetery; Evangelical Lutheran St. John Cemetery; Pleasant Hill Cemetery; Zion
Congregation Cemetery; Reformed Cemetery; Zion (Oswald) Congregation Cemetery;
Pleasant View Cemetery; Johannes Cemetery; Zion Oswald Congregation Cemetery;
Kulm Cemetery; Rosenfelt Cemetery; Eigenfeld Cemetery; Protestant Cemetery;
Sacred Heart Cemetery; Bethel Cemetery - Hutchinson County, South Dakota,
submitted by Phyllis Hertz Feser. 1979 Surname & Address List. Index to GRHS
1979 Publications by Walter Essig. Poems. Query.