Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW #19 December 1977 - The German-Russians in South America by Al
Bitz and Richard Gross. Contributions Toward a History of the German-Russian
Settlements in North America (7), by F. W. Sallet, trans. by LaVern J. Rippley.
The Bashtan: Pride of the Steppe by J. G. Kohl, trans. by Dr. Joseph S. Height.
German Farmers in the Crimea During the Period 1806-1941 (3), by Theodore
Eisenbraun, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Important Dates in the History
of the German-Russians in America, compiled by Theodore C. Wenzlaff.
Exterminate the Clergy...Shot the Priests, trans. by Dr. Joseph S. Height.
T'was the Night Before Christmas - Am Grischtowed isch's Gwesst, trans. by
Joseph S. Height. The von Falz-Fein Family by A. Prinz, trans. by Theodore C.
Wenzlaff. Passenger Lists, submitted by Ned Schall, Allan Gustav Hins and
Merlyn D. Dorrheim. Poems.