Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW #17 April 1977 - German-Russian Passport Records of 1808 and 1809 by Dr. Joseph S. Height. Contributions Toward a History of the German- Russian Settlements in North America (5), by F. W. Sallet, trans. by LaVern J. Rippley. German Farmers in Crimea During the Period 1806-1941 (1), by Theodore Eisenbraun, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Founding of the German Settlements in the Odessa District and the Origin of the Immigrants by Dr. Karl Stumpp, trans. by Theodore C. Wenzlaff. The New Russian Names of the German Colonies in the Regions of Odessa by Dr. Karl Stumpp, trans. by Joseph S. Height. Zulpich to August by August Wilhelm Kludt. The Promotion of German- Speaking Immigration to the Dakotas by LaVern J. Rippley. A Biographical Sketch of My Life by Karl Himmrich, trans. by Herman Wildermuth. Passenger Lists, submitted by Gwen Pritzkau. Poems.
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