Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW #15 September 1976 - Dedication to Monsignor Aberle by LeRoy Oberlander. The Germans in Western Canada, A Vanishing People by A. Becker. The Russian-German Emigrants of 1849 and 1872 by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Russian-Germans in British Columbia, Canada by H. Goerz, trans. by Rev. Theodor Bauer. The House of Mayor Johann Philipp Walter by Alfred Hans Kuby, trans. by Theodore C. Wenzlaff. The New Colonization Policy of Czar Alexander I, trans. by Dr. Joseph S. Height. Labor Service in the Life of the German Colonists in Russia by Dr. Joseph S. Height. Historical Sketch of St. Peters Parish and the Founding of the Colonies of Rastadt, Katharinental and Speyer by Reverend Father H. Metzger, trans. by A. Becker and Sister Bernadine Kletzel. Contributions Toward a History of the German-Russian Settlements in North America (3), by F. W. Sallet, trans. by LaVern J. Rippley. The Emigrant by Rudolf Zeiler, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Pioneer History of August Isaak - An Early Mercer County Settler. Passenger Lists, submitted by Gwen Pritzkau. Poems.
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