Heritage Review
HERITAGE REVIEW #12 December 1975 - Christmas in the Hessian Villages of the
Volga by Johannes Schleuning, trans. by Del Schnaidt. Christmas with the Black
Sea Germans by Dr. Karl Stumpp, trans. by Kim Olson. Celebration of Christmas
by Black Sea Germans in Dakota by Rev. Theodor Bauer. Christmas, Four Days of
Celebration by Msgr. George P. Aberle. Christmas in a Soviet Slave Labor Camp
by Leo Oks, trans. by Dr. Joseph S. Height. Bessarabia Revisited (1), trans. by
Theodore C. Wenzlaff. Contributions Toward a History of the German-Russian
Settlements in North America (1), by F. W. Sallet, trans. by LaVern Rippley. The
Heer Family in Dakota Territory by R. J. Sailer. Passenger Lists, submitted by
Gwen Pritzkau. Poems.