Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW #5-6 June 1973 - Combined Centennial Issue. The Deportation of the Crimean Germans 1941 by Theodor Eisenbraun, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Down the Danube to Odessa (2), trans. by Dr. Joseph S. Height. Pioneer Reminiscences, trans. by Dr. Joseph S. Height. The Russian Germans Come to the United States, trans. by Theodore C. Wenzlaff. Migration of the First German-Russians to Dakota by Friederich Mutschelknaus. The First Settlement of Russian-Germans in Nebraska by Peter H. Griess. Johannes Kludt, trans. by Mrs. Walter Essig. The German Colonists in the Black Sea District and Their Accomplishments, trans. by Theodore C. Wenzlaff. Fuel - A Picture Documentation Annual Activities of Farmers by Hugo Häfner, trans. by Armand and Elaine Bauer. Convention 1972. Passenger Lists. Query.
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