Heritage Review

HERITAGE REVIEW Volume 51, No. 1 March 2021 - President’s Letter by Curtis R. Mertz. 2021 50th International GRHS Convention in Bismarck, North Dakota. 2021-2022 GRHS Officers. Letter from the Editor by Sandy Schilling Payne. About the Covers. At the Familientisch with Louise “A New Year–A New Decade” by Louise Wiens. How Universal Health Care Came to Canada: A Story of Germans from Russia and Their Country Doctor by Amy Jo Ehman. Stages in the life of Anna Trautwein: Relocation, resettlement, prison and labor camps, separation from husband and family, family reunion, and immigration to North Dakota by Sigrid Standke, trans. By Siegfried Trautwein. Rudolph Heupel–Pastor and Healer by Ronald Baesler. The Apron by Marleen Ehmann Bussman. 1847 Income and Expenses for Krasna, Bessarabia by Ted Becker. Great-grandmother Saw Mermaids on Her Way to a New Life by Marilyn Kratz. A Historical Narrative of Kary: Following One Line of Kary Lineage from 1650 to the Present Part 1 by Michael E. Kary. GRHS Youth Schön Ist die Jugend by Cameron Nicklaus and Erika Weidemann. Folklore compiled by Brother Placid Gross. GRHS $2 Million Fundraiser submitted by Ted J. Becker. News Briefs. GRHS Websites/E-mail Addresses.
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