Landau, Odessa
The chapter for this village is Beresan District Odessa (BDO RIG)
Village Coordinators: Valerie Ingram Stewart, Diane Wandler
- Region: Black Sea
- Area: Odessa
- District: Beresan
- Founded: 1810
- Religion: Catholic
- Location:
- Longitute and Latitude:
- Plat Map:
- Parish: Landau
- German Name: Landau
- Russian Name: Schirokolanivka or New Marianovka
- Ukrainian Name:
Volume | Issue | Page | Title |
2 | 3 | 1 | Landau Death Records |
3 | 3 | 4 | Landau Census Available |
4 | 1 | 1 | Thru German Colonies of Beresan Dist., Landau (Summer 1927) |
- The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 - 1861 by Dr. Karl Stumpp (page 799)
- Paradise on the Steppe by Dr. Joseph S. Height (pages 72, 78, 291)
- From Catherine to Khruschev by Dr. Adam Giesinger (page 114)
- German Colonies in South Russia 1804-1904 by Rev. Konrad Keller
Census Records:
Landau, Beresan District Odessa | 1858 Census Published 1998 |
Colony of Landau, Beresan District Odessa | 1816 Revision List, coordinated by the GRHS Clearing House, 2012 |
Church Records:
Landau Catholic Baptisms 1860-1866 | AHSGR and GRHS Published 1998 |
Landau Catholic Deaths 1860-1866 | AHSGR and GRHS Published 1998 |
St. Petersburg Archives from Bessarabia Death Records (185x, 187x)
St. Petersburg Archives from Freudental Death Records (183x, 184x, 185x, 186x)
St. Petersburg Archives from Grossliebental Death Records (184x, 186x, 188x)
St. Petersburg Archives from Odessa City Death Records
St. Petersburg Archives from Rohrbach Decade Files
Stammbaum | 5 | 1976 | 2 | Landau - Emigrants to U.S. (History) |
HR | 21-4 | 1991 | 42 | Landau - Beresan District Emigrants (Emigration) |
HR | 23-3 | 1993 | 16 | Landau - Beresan District Odessa (Travel Report) |
HR | 25-2 | 1995 | 2 | Landau - Old Letter (1922) |
HR | 30-4 | 2000 | 24 | Landau Odessa (History) |
Pioneer Settlers Names:
Paradise on the Steppe by Dr. Joseph S. Height (page 78)
Supplemental Information:
EWZ Landau A-F (pdf)
EWZ Landau G-I (pdf)
EWZ Landau J-R (pdf)
EWZ Landau S-Z (pdf)
EWZ Landau in Excel (zip)
Beresan District Supplement Report dated October 1811
Listings of people born, died or moved.
Villages mentioned: Karlsruhe, Landau, München, Rastadt, Rohrbach, Speier, Sulz, Worms
Beresan District Supplement Report dated 31 January 1812
Listings of people born, died or moved.
PDF formated files of Gains and Losses
Villages mentioned: Karlsruhe, Landau, München, Rastadt, Rohrbach, Speier, Sulz, Worms
6-1-2694 pages 203-203b
Odessa Archives
A request for permission for Landau colonist Johann Stark to marry the widow Barbara Kost
About marriages and transfers of households in the Beresan District 1816-1817
Villages mentioned: Karlsruhe, Landau, Muenchen, Odessa, Rastadt, Rohrbach, Speier, Worms
Fond 252 Inventory 1 Odessa Archives
Marriages of Colonists and transfers of their farms.
28 December 1816-13 December 1817
Colonies mentioned: Grossliebenthal, Josephstal, Karlsruhe, Landau, Liebental, Mariental, München, Munich, Odessa, Rastadt, Rohrbach, Speier, Worms
A listing of Colonists permitted to leave on 31 Aug 1826
Colonies mentioned: Friedrichsthal, Johannestal, Karlsruhe, Landau, Rastadt, Rohrbach, Stuttgard, Sulz
Odessa Regional State Archives File R3836-1-5
Dates: 24 April 1919 - 02 August 1919
Correspondence with village executive committees about issue of passports and permits.
Villages mentioned: Karlsruhe, Katharinental, Landau, Speier, Sulz
Odessa Regional State Archives File R3836-1-10
Dates: 23 June 1919 - 23 August 1919
Births and Deaths
Villages Mentioned: Blumenfeld, Christina, Elisabetgrad, Hoffnungstal, Johannestal, Karlsruhe, Katharinental, Kertsch, Landau, München, Nikolaev, Schonfeld, Speier, Sulz, Volkowo, Waterloo
1919 lists of peasants and employees of the soviet in Landau area | |
3836-1-9 | 3836-1-9a (part 2) |
1919 Birth Records [Jun - Aug]
Landau Volost Revolutionary Committee
Odessa Regional State Archives File R8085-6-5
Villages mentioned [birth place or family residence]: Karlsruhe, Katerinowka, Landau, Speier and Sulz
1920 Death Records
Odessa Regional State Archives File R8085-6-3
Villages mentioned: Landau, Sulz